06 December 2011

Katakana literary work final

How bad can one's ネーム skill be... ハー~


  1. すごいですね!とてもすきです。きれいです!

    Wow, this is beautiful! I love how the illustrations are placed on the page, as well as the words. Using katakana as part of the image was a good choice as well. The last picture with the woman gone is very cool.

  2. まんがはとてもきれいです。

    The art is very well done, I'm impressed.

    I looked up ゼヒ to see that it means come, but is it a loan word (as opposed to some variant of きます)?

  3. とてもいいえですよ。そしてきれいです!

    It is a very nice illustration. Good uses of katakana too!

  4. あなあのまんががとてもすきです。えはきれいです。

    I was blown away by your drawing skills. This is very beautiful. The story behind your manga was also very emotional and touching. You use katakana very well. Very good job. (:

  5. Did you draw this?! すうごいですね!!The work as a whole is beautiful and makes me feel very peaceful.
